An Uplifting Dose of Positivity, Healing Light & Transformational Energy

New Moment, New Energy is about healing past imbalances, living in the empowered now and moving forward to create your best future self!

Appreciation – Tapping into the Vibration of Gratitude


What are you grateful for in your life?  Do you actually take time to focus on appreciation, to think of those aspects of your life that inspire gratitude within you?

Right now, as I write this, I am expressing appreciation for this glorious day — because amazingly, this particular day is actually mild, sunny and almost like summer, even though we are well into the autumn weather here in my locale.  And I am just “tickled” — yes that is the word that comes to mind — that I can experience this day — and maybe even eat lunch out on the patio in the middle of autumn.  How delightful will that be!

But you can express appreciation for ANY day, for the gift of that day, for the possibilities, opportunities that can flow your way…  Be grateful for each new morning, awakening to the potential of that particular set of 24 hours and what it can hold.

Yes, sometimes it is far easier to look at the day with negativity (and of course, we all are prone to get into that mindset periodically) and all those unpleasant tasks you may have to do.  And those many responsibilities that await your attention.

However, if you choose to greet each day in the space of appreciation, wonder, curiosity, adventure — each day can become a magical gift.

Holding that beautiful, high-vibration sense of appreciation in your heart will inspire you to feel better, to align with the infinite flow of both abundance and well-being… The “attitude of gratitude” can do wonders for you — on the mind/body/spirit level!

And joyfully and deeply immersing in the mindset of appreciation will bring more of those feel-good emotions into your reality.

So try it — WHAT do you appreciate in this moment — there certainly is something and hopefully “many somethings”!  Something as simple as a flavorful cup of tea, a comfy blanket, an unexpected joyful email — anything that gives you the welcoming flicker of feeling good.

WHO do you appreciate?  Who are those people who truly make your heart sing and invoke a smile on your face and a happy dance in your outlook?  Focus on them.  I hear your mind chatter thinking — but what about those that are the opposite — those negative personalities?  Give them less — or no — attention.  Remain non-reactive.  Meanwhile, spend time and connect with those who support you and buoy you up!  Sometimes the other types will then begin to “fade” into the background.

And don’t forget the loving connection with a sweet pet — our pets can bring so much happiness into our lives.  Appreciate the human/animal bond and the unconditional love it provides.

Incorporate a gratitude mindset (or a full gratitude practice) into your life.  Pay more attention to being happily appreciative of the beautiful and uplifting aspects of your environment.  Keep a gratitude journal or simply keep track of some of your gratitude observations.  Share your gratitude with family and friends.

When you awake each morning say this affirmation: I am grateful for this day and welcome all wonderful possibilities into my life!

The beautiful vibration of gratitude can shift your life into such  a deeply uplifting direction. Just be supremely open to receive all things joyful and positive — and then be thoroughly grateful when they do arrive…


  • I am happy and grateful for everything I have and receive daily.
  • I am thankful for my blessings — and focus on the good things, giving them power to grow and multiply!
  • I breathe in gratitude and breathe out love.
  • I am profoundly thankful for my own unique and wonderful life.

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