An Uplifting Dose of Positivity, Healing Light & Transformational Energy

New Moment, New Energy is about healing past imbalances, living in the empowered now and moving forward to create your best future self!

Positive Attitude – Morning Optimism


How do you feel when you first awaken — when you first come to morning consciousness? Perhaps you awaken gently and peacefully — or you might be summoned awake by a piercing alarm. Either way, do you generally feel positive and eager to face the day? Or are you cranky and thinking of the overwhelm of everything you need to accomplish that day?

How you initially greet the day can have a very powerful impact on how your day unfolds.  If you start out in a negative way, chances are the flow of the day will bring much of the same.

It is essential to strive to welcome your new set of 24 hours in a positive, joyful mindset. Even if everything in your life is not totally perfect (and let’s face it, whose life is completely perfect anyway) you can still muster a connection to optimistic thoughts. In fact, I believe it is to critical to do so for your own good…

In general, our attitude and our thought patterns affect our ability to align with the flow of well-being  And it has certainly been shown that successful, happy people have an uncanny knack for thinking happy, fulfilling thoughts and keeping their mindset in the stream of positivity.

Anyone can do this — it is a purely conscious choice. However, for some it is easy and for others, it is such a challenge.

Personally, I believe that the morning is what sets your tone for the remainder of the day, so your morning thoughts — and your morning rituals — are seriously important.

Coming to consciousness and recognizing comfort in your immediate surrounding is a simple and easy way to begin. So instead of thinking:  “I have that awful meeting today, or I have to deal with that difficult person, so and so…” move away from those negative, downtrodden thoughts that might appear first thing like annoying pop-ups in the computer window of your psyche.  Instead, just think about how cozy your bed was for your evening’s respite, how soft your pillow is, how pretty the sunlight is streaming in the window, or how peaceful the gentle sound of rain is outside… or how sweet it is to have your beloved canine laying devotedly at the foot of the bed… Whatever you can personally quickly focus on for a momentary thought-saunter into the “positive” will be helpful

The next mental step is to reach for a more definite moment of gratitude or appreciation. Affirm that you look to this day with gratitude for all the uplifting possibilities it will hold. Open your arms wide (in actuality or just figuratively) and be receptive to all the GOOD that your day will bring. Set your intention for being in the space of RECEIVING.

If you have a morning practice, that is a beautiful way to start the day.  And by this I mean meditation, prayer, intention, affirmations, etc.

My friend, Gloria, who is a hypnotherapist, presented a workshop where she encouraged participants to follow a simple, but very uplifting morning practice of positive statements to welcome their day.  I so enjoy using these statements and here are a few:

Today will be a great day.

I have a good life.

My body is strong and healthy.

I move with vitality and vigor.

I am excited about the future.

Life is a fascinating adventure.

Can’t you just feel the joyfully magnetic pull of these words inspiring and uplifting you?  Find several affirmations that resonate with you and recite them in the morning. Let them add a lovely flavor of optimism to your morning thought patterns.

If your morning can include a little physical exercise, that in itself can be invigorating and will awaken your endorphins to initiate you into a day of more positive sensations.

If you have breakfast (and the healthy experts advise us all to do this with nutritious fare that will fuel our physical bodies) then be mindful at breakfast.  Really enjoy what you eat and focus on the nutrients energizing and preparing your body to have an amazing, strong and healthy day.

There are so many different ways you can move away from early morning negativity. Greet each day as if it counts, as if it is meaningful.  Greet each day as if you are HAPPY — and as they say, if you need to “fake it till you make it” that is okay because acting happy will inspire real joy!

Begin tomorrow as you awaken — “carpe diem” — seize the day!  And behold it from a powerfully positive perspective…   You are WORTHY of happiness.


  • I greet this day with positivity and appreciation.
  • I am open to all the new and exciting possibilities that this day may bring.
  • I set my intention to be mindful today, to focus on the present moment with clarity and optimism.


  1. Peggy Wilson says:

    Great reminder for me. I will put some of these words on my mirror.