An Uplifting Dose of Positivity, Healing Light & Transformational Energy

New Moment, New Energy is about healing past imbalances, living in the empowered now and moving forward to create your best future self!

Positive Thinking – Peace Begins With You


Are you easily captivated by negative happenings in the news and the world? It is hard not to be these days with all so many varied acts of violence and terror not just in the United States but all over the world.

The horrific terrorist shooting in Orlando, FL and the attack on the Istanbul airport in Turkey are the latest in the list of tragedies. Of course, it is difficult not not get caught up in the wave of sadness and disgust over this. Any compassionate person would be moved and outraged. And the media coverage only serves to intensify the tragic focus on these events.

However, as riveted as you might be, it is important for your own sense of well being to not let yourself get riled up with a sense of animosity and hostility toward those responsible for these violent acts.

It is essential to remain in a place of personal peace.

For negativity begets more negativity. Violent thoughts lead to more hostility.

Sometimes one needs to take a step back from the incessant media coverage. And cultivate a “thick skin” to keep a sense of insulation against all the anger and animosity.

Of course, you will be in the know of what is happening. Yet, strive to be nonjudgmental and as non-reactive as possible.

Tune in to your own inner peace, your serene and beautiful inner light. This is a conscious action that you are absolutely capable of doing.  Maybe it means turning off the TV. Or staying away from printed news articles. Or looking away from some of the internet coverage.

And do not feel guilty about stepping back from it. For peace certainly begins with YOU.

It is not like looking away — it is just looking within.

There are so many uplifting and positive things taking place in this world upon which to focus. Make an effort to give your attention to those happenings. To those feel-good stories and events — they will make your heart sing. And there ARE plenty of these that you can find in your outer reality — check Facebook for these too!

When you remain in the stream of peacefulness, you can then shine your own personal beacon — your joyful, loving light of tolerance and compassion… to illuminate those dark spaces where fear may reside… to engender an amazing and uplifting ripple effect around you and out into the world, beginning with you.

Be that enlightened bringer/bearer of love…


  • It is joyful and healing for me to focus on positive things that happen in my environment and in the world.
  • I tune in to the peace within, and strive to remain non-reactive and nonjudgmental toward that difficult happenings in my outer reality.
  • I choose to be in the mindset of peacefulness and compassion — and to let my actions reflect this uplifting attitude.
Categories : Positive Thinking

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