An Uplifting Dose of Positivity, Healing Light & Transformational Energy

New Moment, New Energy is about healing past imbalances, living in the empowered now and moving forward to create your best future self!

Positive Attitude – Greet Each Day With Joy


If you wake up in the morning with dread, thinking of all that will be wrong with the upcoming day, what do you think will happen? Yes, the day will turn into that self-fulfilling prophecy and end up as a “bad” day.

The Law of Attraction suggests to us that what we give our attention to expands, and grows to become our reality. So why should we give our attention to apprehension of a bad day when it is simple enough to give our attention to anticipating a good day?

Many people admit to me that they find it challenging to greet the day on an upbeat note. Sure, we all have trying days which hold hurdles for us — dental work, a doctor’s appointment or medical test, a tough exam we need to pass, a tight deadline, a meeting with the supervisor, etc.

Yet most days are just… days. Twenty-four hour chunks of time that we have the choice to either fill with good-feeling vibrations — or bad-feeling ones. The way we first begin our day is critical as to how the rest of the day will play out.

So it’s worth the extra effort and the personal work to reach for that pleasant, good-feeling thought upon first awakening. If you wake up surrounded by a cloud, figuratively “shake” it off and DECIDE to reach for a positive thought.

Yes, we all have days that we just get up on the grumpy side. I had one of those days recently, but as I came more into focus, the little voice in my head reprimanded me “You can do better than this. What kind of tone are you setting for the day?” So I quickly decided to affirm, “Okay, I can do it. I will greet this day with joy!” And once I made that state quick statement to myself, I could feel my whole demeanor shift. And it ended up being a glorious day!

Here are some tips to help you reach for morning joy:

• Find something — anything — that you can focus brightly on in the waking moment — even the softness of your pillow, the comfort of your blanket, the sun peeking in through the curtains, the sound of a bird chirping a pleasant melody. These are incredibly simple things, but can start a good-feeling mood flowing in.

• Appreciate your way to joy — as you come to awareness in the morning, remember to be grateful for the glory of awakening and being part of the breath of life. Feel gratitude for whatever blessings you can summon happily to mind.

• Say an affirmation: I am grateful for this new day. I will plan something joyful for today. I will find something exciting in my day today. I look forward to all the possibilities that will open to me. (Or, keep a few affirmations on index cards on a nearby table to reach for first-thing.)

• Enjoy a morning shower — really immerse yourself in the soothing, cleansing feel of it. I find this time extremely inspirational as ideas just seem to flow to me during this morning ritual. (Maybe it has to do with the flow of the warm, soothing water…) And if you like that classic “singing-in-the-shower” idea, go for it! Greet the day with song!

• Look forward to breakfast. Science has shown how essential those morning nutrients are to jumpstart the energy within our physical bodies. Have a nutritious meal (or item, such as a healthy smoothie/drink), whatever that is for you personally, but make sure it doesn’t include too much sugar. When you make breakfast a regular part of your day, you will feel better both physically and psychologically.

• Look ahead to some bright spot in your day. Surely there must be ONE thing that will stand out as being more positive for you, something you can look forward to — even if it is just taking your dog for a walk, posting on social media or trying that new restaurant during your lunch hour at work. Let that one positive aspect become your optimistic focal point. It can make a huge difference in the way the entire day unfolds…


  • Each day holds something exciting for me, along with bold new opportunities.
  • I greet each morning with an optimistic thought to set the tone for the day.
  • I consciously choose thoughts that cause me to feel joyful and inspired.

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