An Uplifting Dose of Positivity, Healing Light & Transformational Energy

New Moment, New Energy is about healing past imbalances, living in the empowered now and moving forward to create your best future self!

Positive Thinking – Setting Goals that Align with Your Life Path


New Year… New Moment… New Energy…

We are finally here in glorious 2012!

Though many of us feel instinctively that this is a special year, a happening year, a year of consciousness awakening and a year of dramatic SHIFT, most of us have no idea exactly how the energy of this much-anticipated annum will play out.

So we need to just sit tight, be open to exciting change and infinite opportunities and possibilities. Of course, by that I don’t mean to just sit there and only think about the upcoming year. You need to visualize, prioritize, “goal-ize” (I don’t think that’s a real word, but you get my meaning) and take some inspired ACTION! And if you put it together in that way, taking step-by-step forward movements, results will actualize in a quantum way!

But you have to believe in yourself and believe in your dreams. Set goals that are feel-good ones for yourself. Any doubtful or not-sure kind of plans are not going to manifest. We all seem to know that “Law of Attraction” principle, yet we still find it a challenge to set goals that feel joyfully right for us, ones that truly align with our life path and soul calling. Ones that magnetize our desires and draw them directly to us.

Though you have likely heard some of these suggestions before, I share them again here:

  1. First, celebrate your accomplishments and highlights of the previous year. When we spend some upbeat, feel-good time celebrating what we’ve done right or positive, it gets us in the high vibration of inspired joy. It is from that place that we can move ahead to create what we want in the new year.
  2. Commit your goals to paper. It is an established fact that those who write their plans down are more likely to manifest their goals and dreams. And do it with enthusiasm!
  3. Use your imagination to really feel what it will be like to attain and enjoy your success. This is where strong visualization comes in. Really immerse yourself in what it is you wish to create or bring into your life. Some people swear by “vision boards.” Do what feels right for you.
  4. Write some powerful positive affirmations that are meaningful for you. Say them regularly and get into the energy of what they actually represent.
  5. Take each larger goal and “chunk it down,” into smaller sections, to quote the highly successful Jack Canfield. Nothing is too daunting if we divide it into smaller, easier steps. So even if you tentatively place one foot in front of the other, you WILL get where you want to go if you keep moving forward, even slowly.
  6. Cultivate an attitude of perseverance! Know that some things will materialize fast and furiously — in a good way! But other things will take longer, so be sure to be in the mindset to stay the course. Tap in to your inner guidance system to bring up your personal strength and ability to persevere.
  7. Call a lifeline! Absolutely get some help if you feel guided to. This can be in the form of a friend, family member, counselor, life coach, etc. Just make sure it is someone who can be truly supportive and encouraging to you, someone who can help keep you motivated and focused.

So as we move into 2012, leave behind what hasn’t worked for you, what doesn’t feel right or uplifting to you, and get in the energy of the powerful shift that is in the air! Embrace the newness of the year. Inhale the breath of beginning brand new from the blank, waiting canvas of your life. And know — just know — that you are going to create the reality you desire!


  • I set intentions and goals that resonate with my heart, mind and spirit.
  • I cultivate an attitude of perseverance to help me through trying times.
  • I enjoy the support and motivation I receive from loving family members and close friends.

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