An Uplifting Dose of Positivity, Healing Light & Transformational Energy

New Moment, New Energy is about healing past imbalances, living in the empowered now and moving forward to create your best future self!

Positive Attitude – Loving Yourself


Are you able to say honestly that you love yourself? Are you comfortable with who you are?

Or are you often plagued by that deep-seated and persistent inner critic? Do you consider yourself (even occasionally) a victim, a loser — a failure? Do you make statements such as “My life is a mess, I can’t seem to do anything right, I will never amount to anything.”

If you can answer an emphatic “yes” to the very first question about loving yourself, then congratulations on being in tune with your beautiful core essence. But I do suspect you might be among a minority of individuals.

I think for the most part we tend to be very hard on ourselves — very judgmental. And sometimes immense challenges or life patterns that we have learned contribute toward shaking the harmony and sanity of our core essence.

But the good news is that it’s never too late no matter where you are in life to embrace the loving, vibrant soulful aspect of yourself, that glorious inner light that is who you are and who you came into this world to be.

“Our noblest act is to practice unconditional love, especially with ourselves. It’s the soil of our goodness. We may feel afraid, we may feel unworthy, we may think, “I couldn’t possibly love that part of myself.” But dear one, I assure you: the heart is big enough.” ~ Karly Pitman

If you are someone who has been emotionally “beating up” on yourself for your shortcomings, this is the time to stop in your tracks and change course. This is the perfect, right moment to consciously choose to shift your thinking. This is the time to undertstand that yes, “the heart is big enough.”

The very first step is to acknowledge that you have been doing the best you can with the current tools and knowledge that you possess. If you could have done “better” or different, then you would have. So do not berate yourself.

Tap into the concept that you are a powerful, spectacular being just as you are. Resolve to be at home with YOU, to connect with the soulful, Divine spark that is a pure facet of your being, to love yourself unconditionally and to nurture yourself with abundance. The nurturing part is so essential. For only if you can treat yourself with authentic care and kindness can you be happy, focused in the present moment, as well as poised to move ahead to create a future that is radiant with optimism and fulfillment.

Can you subscribe to the belief that you are a worthy, multi-dimensional and powerfully radiant “child of the Universe?” Can you wrap your thoughts around this and integrate this sense of connection and compassion into your being and your everyday life? If so, then I believe this amazing path of possibility will energetically open right before you and your journey will be transformed in a most delightful, creative and expansive way.

Remember that our beliefs and thoughts create our reality. Choose your thoughts — choose your reality. And make it an exhilarating and satisfying one!

• I tap into the knowing that I come from a place of goodness and kindness, and I am worthy of a happy, fulfilling life experience.
• I understand that my natural state is one of ease, with the ability to tune in to the boundless, joyful flow of the Universe.
• I love ME, who I am, and I make decisions based on this radiant feeling of confidence and well-being.

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