An Uplifting Dose of Positivity, Healing Light & Transformational Energy

New Moment, New Energy is about healing past imbalances, living in the empowered now and moving forward to create your best future self!

Positive Attitude – Choosing Love Over Fear


“Expand your definition of the word love to include all things and notice how big your heart becomes.” ~Panache Desai

Everything we do, every thought we think and every emotion we feel comes from a place of either FEAR or LOVE. For both fear and love cannot both occupy the same space at the same time — it can only be one or the other.

Which space do you personally occupy most of the time?

If you are feeling stress, disharmony, anger, frustration, then you are obviously coming from a place of fear. And most people spend a disproportionate amount of time in that negative space. It seems easier to just let oneself fall into that kind of perspective… criticism, being extremely judgmental, exasperation, irritation — even full-blown rage. Yes, it seems far easier to wallow in the negative aspects of fear-based emotions.

So is fear our natural state? Though I am only human and living in the physical plane with a broad range of emotion, my inner guidance suggests that actually LOVE is our natural state… a perspective that brings much joy and many blessings into our reality. I believe we are born with a wellspring of love in our hearts, but the influence of society affects and shifts us, even as children. By society I mean parents, peers, religious affiliations, school, etc.

You can always remember and reawaken to the consciousness that you are love — a radiant spark of Divinity, connected to the Oneness of All.

You need to reach into your heart and choose the mindset that you are a being of love. Reach into your inner guidance and tap into that place of pure love within you. I firmly believe that this is your core essence.

Somehow along the way, you may have become separated from that beautiful connection to who you really are at your soul level. But anywhere along the road of life, one can reach back, go within and embrace that once again in a very powerful way. Meditation can be a key to this. Spending time alone or just in quiet stillness can remind you of this connection.

When you are aware that you are becoming fixated on fear-based emotions, begin to acknowledge that. Just coming into this awareness can begin to shift your mindset.

If you sense that negativity, that component of fear beginning to arise within you, affirm “I release fear and tune into LOVE.” Sometimes, just mentally embracing that kind of affirmation can assist your moving into the stream of positivity.

So I ask you, today, here and now, to just have that knowing — that Love is your natural state. Accept that as your TRUTH. And let that truth guide you, warm you, infuse your being… you will be all the happier and healthier for it!


  • I consciously choose to be in the energetic space of LOVE.
  • I tune in to the wellspring of kindness and compassion that resides within.
  • Love is my natural state, and embracing that high vibration brings much joy and well-being into my everyday reality.


  1. Cynthia says:

    You help me stay on the path to change
    thank you for being the light that helps me through my dark bays i have.
    thank you

    • Sheryl Schlameuss Berger says:

      Cynthia — thank you for your kind words and I wish you much joy and well-being along your “path to change.”