An Uplifting Dose of Positivity, Healing Light & Transformational Energy

New Moment, New Energy is about healing past imbalances, living in the empowered now and moving forward to create your best future self!

Living in the Now – Capture the Bliss of the Moment


On my recent vacation, I lounged on the steps of the outdoor pool, enjoying the coolness of the water in contrast to the hot midday sun, my husband, Michael, next to me. A cute young tow-headed boy (we later learned he was six years old) was practicing his swimming by propelling himself from the pool steps into the outstretched arms of his dad. It was fun to watch the pleasant father/son interaction. I leaned toward my husband, musing “Of course they are really enjoying this time, but neither one realizes that in the grander perspective, how really significant these moments can be.” My husband nodded knowingly.

Recently, my husband’s cousin had transferred 8mm movies of various childhood times onto DVD. My husband received a copy of the DVD, and we both watched it nearly spellbound, riveted to the ancient footage of Michael, perhaps just four years of age, playing in a pool with his dad. He, too, was perfecting his swimming skills in the same way. His dad eagerly opened his arms, catching my husband, who gleefully clasped his arms around his father’s neck. The moment was heartwarming and intensely moving, as it was a glimpse back in time into my husband’s close and loving relationship with his father.

When Michael was an older teenager, his father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, beginning a lengthy and prolonged deterioration in his dad’s health. He changed from a vital young man to a dependent invalid before passing away after many years. I never had the chance to meet Michael’s dad, but viewing the videos was so amazing and touching, and gave me a clear sense of the affectionate bond he and his dad had shared.

At least some of these precious childhood memories had been captured on video, but even if they had not, Michael’s joyful memories remain strong and clear in his heart.

So fast forward to my recent poolside observation — the dad probably had not given any thought to the significance of capturing the moment and freeze-framing it in the “camera lens” of his mind and heart. But by carving out this moment of interconnectedness, he was creating a very powerful emotional and visual memory for his young son that will likely remain crystal clear throughout the son’s lifetime, perhaps long after his dad is gone.

So, as it is said, seize the moment. Even those everyday ones that may seem insignificant at the time. You don’t need to assess these times or try to decide whether or not they are important — just immerse yourself in the pure bliss. However simple that bliss might be. For they impact our lives as well as those around us, sometimes in very grand and far-reaching ways.


  • I make every effort to immerse myself in the joy of each moment.
  • I focus on the bliss of simple pleasures — and feel empowered.
  • I know that relaxed and affectionate times spent with loved ones can create powerful bonds and memories.



  1. Shirley says:

    I love this!!! I have found myself noticing young children interacting with their parents in the events of the summer…and I have often thought if only I could go back to a moment of my childrens lives and “seize the moment”!! I went through a painful divorce and experienced the “going through the motion” moments but now my children are grown and they remember those moments and say “mum do you remember when…” I have to work really hard to remember, sometimes I can sometime cannt!!
    Thanks for the reminder….I can seize the moments now everyday!